Data's impact on content strategy, how nuances in Spanish dialects impact storytelling and cholos eating hipster food. Our panel on media+tech sparked some incredible conversation!
This was TechTinx' 2nd community-lead event and we were fortunate to have three dynamic panelists sharing complementary perspective with facilitating support of our VR-ninja moderator.
The talent-stacked panel included:
Mayra Azanza - Cofounder and CEO of Spanish language, sports video streaming app VozTV.
Yuriana Zamora - Product Manager at mitú, Latinx lifestyle network focused on health, beauty, food, family, home, and pop culture.
Mayola Delgado - Director of Community Empowerment & Communications at Univision Los Angeles.
Marlon Fuentes - 360 VR Producer at Buzzfeed. (moderator)
Marlon facilitated the discussion with a series of targeted questions for each panelist and then the floor opened up to the audience for Q&A.
Take a look at what TechTinx community members and attendees had to say:
Special thanks to our venue sponsors WeWork and the Braven Agency, beer sponsors Super Cooler and MidStage Ventures, VR-experience partner VR Smile.
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